[ music+image ]
Spokesman at Grand Army Plaza at Fifth Avenue and 59th Street and to the left The Sherman Monument by Augustus Saint-Gaudens. Grand Army Plaza is a focal point of midtown Manhattan, offering an elegant transition to the Park from nearby skyscrapers. Is in fact, two plazas — each a semicircle bisected by Central Park South. Both halves are surrounded on their curvilinear ends by Bradford Callery Pear trees, which provide a natural frame. The split plaza was inspired by the design of the Place de la Concorde in Paris.
Time Warner Center Towers. Its design, by David Childs and Mustafa Kemal Abadan of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, consists of two 750 ft (229 m) towers bridged by a multi-story atrium containing upscale retail shops. The building surrounds half of Columbus Circle in Midtown Manhattan.
The building drew publicity in 2003 when Mexican financier David Martinez paid $54.7 million dollars for a penthouse condo, then a record for New York residential sales.
Bethesda Fountain: The Angel of The Waters by Emma Stebbins. (1868) Central Park, NYC. [As a symbol of Hope and Change]
"An African American has been elected President of the United States! Anything is possible! We can wrestle our economy out of the hands of the reckless rich and return it to the people. Anything is possible! Every citizen can be guaranteed health care. Anything is possible! We can stop melting the polar ice caps. Anything is possible! Those who have committed war crimes will be brought to justice. Anything is possible.
We really don't have much time. There is big work to do. But this is the week for all of us to revel in this great moment. Be humble about it. Do not treat the Republicans in your life the way they have treated you the past eight years. Show them the grace and goodness that Barack Obama exuded throughout the campaign. Though called every name in the book, he refused to lower himself to the gutter and sling the mud back. Can we follow his example? I know, it will be hard.
I want to thank everyone who gave of their time and resources to make this victory happen. It's been a long road, and huge damage has been done to this great country, not to mention to many of you who have lost your jobs, gone bankrupt from medical bills, or suffered through a loved one being shipped off to Iraq. We will now work to repair this damage, and it won't be easy.
But what a way to start! Barack Hussein Obama, the 44th President of the United States. Wow. Seriously, wow."
Michael Moore
¡Un Afro Americano elegido Presidente de los Estados Unidos! ¡Cualquier Cosa Es Posible! Podemos arrancar nuestra economía de las manos de los ricos irresponsables y temerarios y devolvérsela al pueblo. ¡Cualquier Cosa Es Posible! A cada ciudadano se le podrán garantizar cuidados médicos gratuitos. ¡Cualquier Cosa Es Posible! Podemos detener el derretimiento de los casquetes polares. ¡Cualquier Cosa Es Posible! Aquellos que han cometido crímenes de guerra serán llevados ante la justicia. Cualquier Cosa Es Posible.
Realmente no tenemos mucho tiempo. Hay un gran trabajo por delante. Pero esta es la semana, para todos nosotros, de celebrar en grande este gran momento. Pero seamos humildes. No tratemos a los republicanos de la forma en que ellos nos trataron a nosotros los últimos ocho años. Mostrémosles a ellos la gracia y la bondad que Barack Obama exudó durante toda su campaña. Aunque le dijeron todos los insultos que salen en el diccionario, Obama rehusó rebajarse a si mismo para agacharse a la cuneta de la autopista y devolver las inmundas pelotas de barro. ¿Podremos seguir su ejemplo? Será difícil, lo se.
Quiero dar las gracias a todos los que dieron de su tiempo y sus recursos para hacer que esta victoria fuese posible. Ha sido un largo camino, y hay daños enormes que se le han ocasionado a este gran país, sin mencionar a tantos de ustedes que han perdido sus trabajos, que han ido a la quiebra por culpa de las facturas de las clínicas privadas, o que han sufrido a través de un ser querido que ha sido enviado a la guerra en Iraq. Ahora tendremos que trabajar todos juntos para reparar todos esos daños, y créanme que no será fácil.
Pero ¡qué gran manera de empezar! Barack Hussein Obama, 44º Presidente de los Estados Unidos. ¡Guao! Totalmente en serio, ¡Guao!